Rutland Daily Herald from Rutland, Vermont (2024)

18 RUTLAND DAILY HERALD, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1981 RUTLAND DAILY HERALD CLASSIFIED SECTION The Peoples Marketplace Where Buyer Seller Get Together WANT AD RATES Ads Ordered For Non Consecutive Issues Take The 1 Day Rate DEADLINE IS 3:30 P.M., 4t HOURS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION ON ALL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. ERRORS Whenever an error in publication is made by The Herald, which material ly affects the value of the advertise ment, a corrected publication will at once be made of that portion of the advertisem*nt affected by the error, providing notice is received before se cond day of publication. HERALD BOX NUMBERS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RATE S4.40 Per Inch Per Day Contract Rates On Request HOURS: MONDAY thru FRIDAY 8:15 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. DIAL 775-5511 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED Add S2.

50 for replies Address (Write Herald Box 00) counts as four words. 1 MHttUiML and so much of such lands will be sold, pursuant to 32 S. A 5252 and 5257. at public auction at the Poultney Town Hall on the 11th day of March, 1981, at 10.00 a as shall be requisite to discharge sych taxes with costs, unless previously Dated at Poultney in the County of Rutland and State of Vermont this 29th day of January, 1981 sJudita E. Dupont Collector of Taxes 211.

18.25 Photo by AJ Marro) More Musers Lore Masers Lore, week-long educational and recreational series sponsored by the Rutland Recreation Department, tke Rutland Free Library and the Vermont Council on the Arts, continued Tuesday with workshops on candle making and soap sculpturing. Pictured above, Jennifer Phillips patiently dips the wick into hot wax as she begins the long process of making a candle. In the right photos, Robyn Butterfield (top) and Jessica Humphrey put the finishing touches on the sculptures of the family pets. Mildred O'Rourke and Harry O'Rourke, in book 51 at page 213. Nor them New England Conference of Seventh Day Adventists.

to Harry E. Rourke and Mildred L. O'Rourke, book 4. page 40. Agnes E.

O'Brien, Ad ministratrix of the Estate of Matthew O'Brien to Harry O'Rourke and Mildred L. O'Rourke, book 44, page 141. Alice M. Blackwood to Harry E. O'Rourke, and Josephine J.

O'Rourke, book 51. page 395 Excepting therefrom the lands and premises conveyed and described as follows Harry E. O'Rourke and Mildred L. O'Rourke to Milton Reynolds, book 44, page 292; Harry O'Rourke. and Josephine O'Rourke to Harold Wescott and Irena Wescott, book 42.

page 193 Subject to an easem*nt deed to Central Vermont Public Service Corporation, book 44. page 509 and so much of such lands will be sold, pursuant to 32 VSA 5252 and 5257 at public auction at the Poultney Town Hall on tha 11th day of March. 1911. at 10 00 as shall be requisite to discharge such taxes with costs, unleu previously paid Dated at Poultney in the County of Rutland and State of Vermont this 29th day of January, 1961 sJudita E. Dupont Collector of Taxes 2-PISttS ADVERTIsem*nT AND NOTICE OF SALE Tte resident and nonresident owners, lien holders and mortgagees of lands in the Town of Poultney in the County of Rutland and State of Vermont, are hereby notified that taxes assessed by said Town on the following described lands andor against Elmer Newton, the present owners thereof, for the years 1977, 1979, 1979 and 1910 remain unpaid, either in whole or in part: Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed by Leslie A.

Vaughan and Verlie K. Vaughan to Elmer Newton by a deed dated December 17, 1971 and recorded in Book 59, pages 193 194 of the Poultney Land Records and so much of such lands will be sold, pursuant to 32 V.S. A. 5252 and 5257, at publk auction at the Poultney Town Hall on the nth day of March, 1911, at 10 00 a as shall be requisite to discharge such taxes with costs, unless previously paid. Dated at Poultney in the County of Rutland and State of Vermont this 29th day of January, 1981 sJudita Dupont Collector of Taxes 111.

IB. 25 INTRODUCTION Service Single adults, all ages 4th year statewide Free information. Single Vermonters, RFD 1, Montgomery Center, Vermont 05471 5 B8SMESS SERVICES ANTIQUE Furniture Restoration Hand stripping and finishing Specializing in old trunks. Free estimates Crossman Refinishing. Rutland, 775 5407 CARPENTERS, builders, renovators Complete service.

Commercial or resi dential. Guaranteed work Woodcutts lnc Benson 537 3743. Need Help? RentKids for Odd Jobs CARPET installer. 15 years experience Bill Innai. Proctor, 459 2920 CHIMNEY Sweeps.

Low rates for Bran don, Pittsford area. Call 247 6806 DICK Kilburn, general carpentry, re modeling, additions, kitchens Free es timates! Rutland 775 0801 HANDYMAN General contracting, car pentry. remodeling, painting, plastering, sheetrock, etc. Bids for spring and summer work. Insured Free estimates Lester, Rutland 775 0751 KITCHEN cabinetry Custom made Good prices.

Woodcutts Inc Benson 537 3763 MASTER Chimney Sweeps Rest easy with guaranteed service Brandon 247 3398, evenings ADVKNTIXCMKNT AND NOTICE OF SALE The resident and nonresident owners, lien holders and mortgagees of lands in the Town of Poultney in the County of Rutland and State of Vermont, are hereby notified that taxes assessed by said Town on the following described lands andor against Dayton H. McIntyre and Mona M. McIntyre, the present owners thereof, for the years 1977. 1978, 1979 and 1980 remain unpaid, cither in whole or irt part Being the lands and premises in the Town of Poultney, Vermont conveyed by Walter C. McIntyre and Alta B.

McIntyre to Dayton H. McIntyre and Mona M. McIntyre by a deed dated November 21. 1958 and recorded November 24. 1958 in Book 52, pages 320 321 of the Poultney Land Records.

Excepting therefrom the lands and premises conveyed and described as follows: Dayton H. McIntyre and Mona M. McIntyre to Donald A. Moore and Phyllis A. Moore.

Book 59, pages 340 341 of the Poultney Land Records. ADVERTIsem*nT AND NOTICE OF SALE The resident and nonresident owners, lien holders and mortgagees of lands in the Town of Poultney in the County of Rutland and State of Vermont, are hereby notified that taxes assessed by said Town on the following described lands andor against Harry O'Rourke, Mildred L. O'Rourke, Harry O'Rourke. Josephine J. ORourke, the present owners thereof, for the years 1978 and 1979 remain unpaid, either in whole or in part: Being the lands and premises known as Pond Hill Ranch owned by Harry E.

O'Rourke. Mildred L. O'Rourke, Harry O'Rourke. Josephine J. O'Rourke, or all of them, as conveyed and described in the following deeds of record in the Poultney Town Clerk's Office.

T. Alvaro Ballard. Administrator of the Estate of Darwin O. Ballard to Harry E. O'Rourke and Mildred L.

O'Rourke, book S3, page 325. Edward J. Durham and Margaret C. Durham to Harry E. O'Rourke.

and Josephine J. O'Rourke, book 54, page 504, Anna O'Brien, Margaret O'Brien Rowell and William Rowell to Harry O'Rourke, PLUMBING heating Very reason able Rutland, 775 7384. afters PROFESSIONAL floor sanding, refinishing. Call Bridgewater 672 3826 or 672 3854 Free estimate TED R. Hubbard incorporation.

Rub bish Removal. Container and roll off boxes. Portable tiolets, septic tanks cleaned Rutland 773 2259 By YVONNE GALLO Need help putting up posters, spring cleaning, shoveling, folding laundry, baby sitting, roto tilling, selling tickets? Theres about 100 area children registered with Dial-A-Teen who want to work for you. Their pay is reasonable and negotiable between the employer and child. Children register with the Youth Employment Service at the Rutland County Youth Services building on Washington Street.

Rutland-area youths have worked for Dial-A-Teen for six years. Currently, Brian McGuire is the Youth Services worker in charge of the Dial-A-Teen program. The organization is designed to help kids find jobs for economic reasons, for training and developing skills and to become more independent and reliable. As David Nadeau, 16, who has been working through the service longer than anyone, said, At first kids just want to work to earn money. Later, they learn how much fun some of these jobs can be.

Peter Bourque, 12, and Jeff Cassarino, 10, are the newest entrants into the program. Bourque, who said he wants to earn some money, wants to work with animals. He said heH do anything, but hes not crazy about mowing lawns. Bourque is saving for an electric guitar. Cassarino is the youngest member of the youth employment team.

He doesnt have any long-term goals, but he would like some extra cash. McGuire said many people have the misconception that Dial-A-Teen is a free service. Usually the pay is between $2 an hour and minimum wage. Nadeau said that he is still working for some people he began with six years ago. Most of his work falls under the category of odd jobs, but Nadeau has learned sheet-rocking, child care skills and a sense of work as necessity, but also as fun.

A roller-skating enthusiast, hes a young entrepreneur. Some day Ill probably buy Rollerville, he said. CONTINUEDON NEXT PAGE February means spring is lust around the corner. Sell spring items now with a classified ad! (Photo hyYvoueGgUo) Were oaly in it for the moaey, say Jeff Casaariao, 10, tad Peter Boarqae, 12, both of Ratlaad, bat these kids, oseaibert of Dial-A-Teea, also gaaraatee that theyll do a great Job. Rutland Herald Circulation Dept.

needs a person with own vehicle to deliver newspapers from Rutland to Middlebury, 6 days a week. Call: Circulation Dept, at 1,9 A.M. to 5 P.M. DESK CLERK After a teen enrolls in the program at youth services, he has access to a job board that lists all the possible job offerings. McGuire said that in this way, Dial-A-Teen is like an employment agency specifically for kids.

Children have worked at the Rutland County Fair Grounds, move furniture, haul rocks, wash windows, sand floors, plant trees and weed gardens, load bales of cotton, trimm hedges, put up storm windows, dog sit, sweep floors, mow lawns. rake leaves, sell tickets, shampoo rugs and cook meals. So, if youre in need of some help around the house or office, consider a teenager. The number for Dial-A-Teen is 775-6230 or 775-7495. Immediately.

Hours to bo arranged. Experience preferred. Inquire at Pico Peak Lodga, Kill-ington, Vermont. 773-6331 FARM AUCTION Friday, February 20th, 1981 Probate Court- Estite of Georg F. Elliott.

Rutland; Estate of Ethel Elliott. Rutland: In-Ioatrument purporting to be Will of struments purporting to be Will and deceased filed pending further order of Codicil of deceased filed, pending further this Court order of this Court Brandon area Electronics firm actively seeking employment for a SHIPPING CLERK 1. Five to ten years experience in packaging and shipping electronic components and assemblies. 2. Must be familiar with manifests, packing slips, UPS forms, etc.

3. Must have valid drivers license without moving traffic violations. 4. Must be in good physical health. 5.

Must be able and willing to work overtime. 6. A pre entrance physical will be required for this position. Applications will be accepted February 12, 1981 thru February 20, 1981. Contact Marge Char-bonneau, Personnel Manager 802-247 6811 DRIVER Private petroleum car-riar located in Shoreham, Vermont requires immediately a qualified tractor-trailer driver.

D.O.T. qualifications. Year round ob. Excellent conditions. Tel: SHOREHAM 897-2650 SALES WATER AND SEWER Sell water and sewer materials to the construction and municipal industries.

We are looking for an agressive individual to expand an existing territory. Experience not necessary. Compensation package including salary, vehicle, expenses plus fringe benefits. Send Resume to: Public Works Supply Co. 27 Garden Street Danvers, Moss.

01923 2zi An Equal Opportunity Employer Estate of Luther C. Drohat, Rutland: Application for appointment of Administrator filed; hearing March 4th; order of notice issued for publication in The Herald. Estate of Bridget Ackley. Rutland; Final administration account filed; hearing March 4th, order of notice issued for publication in The Herald. Estate of Edward J.

Clarino. Rutland; Final administration account filed; hearing; consent shown, tax clearances filed, no one appeared, to object; account allowed, ordered filed, and residue decreed Case of Grace Lassor Rutland; Inventory of Successor Guardian retiyned and accepted Case of Jill Tucker, to be known as Jill Laramie. Rutland; Application for order of change of name filed; hearing March 4th. order of notice issued for publication in The Herald. Case of Russell Baldwin.

Brandon; Annual statement of account of Guardian filed Estate of Edward Patterson. Brandon; Final administration account filed; hearing March 10th; authorized order of notice issued for publication in The Herald Estate of Bernice M. Stearns, Rutland; Order of Notice to Creditors issued for publication in The Herald February 12, 19. 26 Termination Date for filing claims to be June 11. 1961 SALES How would you like to earn $5 an hour in Vermont? 11:00 A.M.

At Mr. and Mr. Gaston Leblanc have told ut their Real Estate and Personal Property, we will liquidate personal property at auction at the farm located mile East of North Troy Village, Vt. on the so-called North Troy-Newport Center Road. 115 HEAD OF CATTLE 100 milkers, 15 head of young cattle 96 holsteins, 4 colored 43 dry, handling, and close springers, 27 fresh.

Balance in different lactation. All cattle to be Vet examined, tested, Nasual Gin inoculated prior to sale. This herd has size, excellent condition, herd milking very good with some fancy cows. Gaston's noted for keeping good ones. FARM QUIPMENT M.F.

1130 Diesel tractor; M.F. 165 Diesel with hydro-loader; M.F. 65 Diesel tractor, 2 sets of Canadian chains; M.F. 260-2 row-2 head chopper; Gehl forage wagon; Int. forage wagon; Gehl forage blower; N.H.

268 PTO Baler with kicker; N.H. 7 -ft. 3 ptH mower; 1 kicker wagon; Kuhn gyro tedder; N.I. side rake; Hesston P.T.O. 9-ft.

haybine; Oliver 5 bottom plows; Int. 570 300 bu. spreader; N.I. 135 bu. spreader; Ford blower; 2 Ubler feed carts gas driven; grain carts; bale buncher; smoothing harrows; some small tools.

OWNERS: Marcel J. Roberts, Newport, Vermont 334-2638; Noel Lussier, Hardwick, Vermont 472-5907 TERMS; Cash, Check. Any other terms must be OK'd prior to sale. LUNCH: Mary's TENT Real Estate for sale by contacting owners offices. 190 acres, 110 tillable, nice open fields, 70 open pasture, 10 woodland.

Barn ties 110 head with pipeline unit, 2 bulk tanks. 20 70 ft. Harvestore silo. Also, large bunker silo. Remodelled 4-bedroom farmhouse in very good condition.

Maks It a change lor tha better. We'll help you Stan a new career as a tractor trailer driver. Four hour evening classes, lour nights a week, Monday Thursday 6:30 10:30 Nineteen weeks ol classes starting March 17th at the Spnngheld Area Vocational Center Tuition tree Textbooks and matenals provided Complete your application at nearest office of VERMONT IOB SERVICE The machine fool industry in the Springfield area is looking lor skilled employees, and you can prepare through Vermont Machine Skills Training Qualified graduates oi the course are working at good paying lobs with Spnnglield machine tool industries You may now register ior the Spring course at your nearest Vermont lob Service Consider the opportunity: intensive training in mathematics, bluopnnt reading, and shop theory "Hands on" machine training In struclion directly related machine too! industnes in Spnngheld Highly qualified instructors Skyline Corporation is now seeking an entry level sales individual for our Fair Haven, Vermont division. If you have one or more years of successful sales experience you may qualify. Skyline continues to be the leader in manufacturing of top quality mobile homes and RV's through a solid marketing program throughout the United States.

We offer an excellent compensation program Including salary plus commission as well as company paid benefits. Check out this opportunity by contacting: SKYLINE CORPORATION Highway 22 A Fair Haven, Vermont 05743 802265-4954 3 Equal Opportunity mployer MF Train in Vermont for a good paying job in Vermont TRAIN DAILY OR WEEKENDS. For further inlormation. wnle or telephone Lou Dworahak VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Pavilion Otlice Building. Montpelier Vermont 05602 Tel 802828-3221 4850 BUCKLEY ROAD I 235 LIVERPOOL.

N.v 130M.

Rutland Daily Herald from Rutland, Vermont (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.